Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Questions About the Writer's Craft Q.2

Stephen King - "Why We Crave Horror Movie"
A. These reinforcements help give the reader a visual image on what to compare. An example of the roller coasters is that "And horror movies, like roller coaster, have always been the special province of the young; by the time one turns 40 or 50, one's appetite for double twists or 360-degree loops may be considerably depleted.", this example is true for that many teens or young adults love horror movie for the trill or the adrenaline rush it provides. But when on lives to the age of 40 or 50 the lose interest in the excitement that one provided them excitement.

Buzz Bissinger - "Innocents Afield"
A. He uses the words "millions of dollars" to signal the nonexistent and the actual purchases of high school sports. These words are effective but not in the way he used them it really just seems to repetitive and sounds more like a rant.

Brent Staples - "Black Men and Public Space"
A. To give the reader the view of what others see him as like an attacker, mugger or a man that is intent on a violence. He achieves the feeling like he is like a attacker, that he is following her to do some violent intent on her.

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